Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Mental Health Of The Wealthy - 1842 Words

Similar to parents, schools overlook and neglect the mental health of students because of their fixation on academic success. In 2005 out of 302 middle school students at a private school, the rate of depression for girls was twice that of the general rate of depression for teens (Luthar). The mental health of the wealthy is underestimated seeing that people believe that wealth is an immunity against mental illnesses. Instead, schools misread the symptoms of depression as stress. Also considering that school is an institute for education, the health of the students is not as prioritized. The success of students and their acceptances into college is emphasized and the mental health of students becomes only a topic of health class. Taking into account the duration of a teenager’s life in class, schools should take more responsibility for their students’ mental health. Craig’s situation portrays his school’s neglect of its students’ mental health when he believes that the principal is calling to expel him for admitting himself into a mental ward: â€Å"Now he’s on my ass because he knows I’m crazy and knows I haven’t been doing my homework. [†¦] I’m being expelled. I’m out of school. I’m never going to go to high school again. I’m never going to go to college† (Vizzini 301-302). Craig’s fear of expulsion illustrates the school’s failure to communicate its support for its students. He fails to understand that depression is a mental illness that many students experience and that theShow MoreRelatedIt Is Company Health Insurance Or Government Funded Programs Like Medicare1548 Words   |  7 Pagesnot what they used to be. With the increase of the population around the world also comes the need for health care. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Effects of Black Tea on the Growth Free Essays

string(34) " based on its zone of inhibition\." The effects of black tea on the growth of E. coli bacteria cultures Kierstin Barker, Melissa Bischak, Jackie Tyszkiewicz, Errin Enany September 25, 2012 Abstract: This study was carried out in order to investigate whether black tea has antimicrobial properties as stated in Steven Johnson’s The Ghost Map. If tea does have antimicrobial properties, then it could aid in warding off waterborne diseases. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Black Tea on the Growth or any similar topic only for you Order Now We believed that if black tea is steeped in boiled water, then the amount of bacteria exposed to this solution would decrease. We expected to see no difference in the amount of bacteria exposed to the black tea solution. Tannic acid, black tea, boiled water, and a tetracycline antibiotic were tested for their zones of inhibition in order to determine antimicrobial properties. Our results stated that tea does not contain tannic acid but does contain tannin and therefore does not have antimicrobial properties that contain tannic acid based on the results of this experiment. Introduction: In the novel: The Ghost Map, written by Steven Johnson, Johnson refers to the idea that tea has antimicrobial properties and that it could possibly have influenced people’s risk of contracting infectious diseases such as cholera (Johnson, 2006). Traditionally, people drank tea to improve blood flow, eliminate toxins, and to improve resistance to diseases (Dufresne and Farnworth, 2000). Tea has been shown to have a wide range of physiological and pharmacological effects such as having antimicrobial properties, inhibiting malignant cells, and simply leaving the drinker feeling refreshed (Hamilton-Miller, 1995). Black tea contains amounts of tannic acid. Tannic acid is a commercial type of tannin, which is a bitter plant polyphenolic compound that binds to and precipitates proteins and various other organic compounds including amino acids and alkaloids and has antimicrobial properties which could possibly aid in warding off waterborne diseases (Yildirim, 2000). Could some people in the city of London actually have been saved from the fatal cholera disease due to their preferred drink of tea? If tea actually does have antimicrobial properties, then it could possibly provide some explanation as to why some people were not affected by this waterborne disease as seriously as others. So, our primary question is, â€Å"Does black tea decrease the amount of live bacteria in a solution? † In order to test this question, we have devised hypotheses and experiments to see if black tea actually does stunt bacterial growth and whether tannic acid helps aid in this process. While making observations, developing questions, designing an experiment to test hypotheses, and analyzing data, we also want to demonstrate our proficiency in using the scientific method throughout this study. We believe that if black tea is steeped in boiled water, then the amount of bacteria exposed to this solution will decrease. We expect to see no difference in the amount of bacteria exposed to the black tea solution. If we are able to accept our alternative hypothesis, then the claims that Steven Johnson makes in The Ghost Map could be plausible and tea with tannic acid could have possibly helped ward off waterborne diseases during this particular outbreak in London. By testing antibiotic, tannic acid, and black tea solutions on prepared agar plates covered in E. coli bacteria, we predict to observe the different effects that each solution emits based on the zone of inhibition for each type of solution. Materials and Methods: This experiment was carried out on September 11, 2012. In order to carry out such an experiment, many different materials were used. Two 200 mL beakers were each filled with 200 mL of deionized water. Using a Bunsen burner, both beakers of water were heated until boiling at 100? C. Three agar plates were prepared with 100 microliters of E. coli bacteria. This amount was measured using a micropipette. The bacteria were then spread around the entire surface area of each plate. Each agar plate was then labeled accordingly (figure 1). Plate #1:Plate #2:Plate #3: Antibiotic (Tetracycline- 30 micrograms/disc) Antibiotic (Tetracycline- 30 micrograms/disc) Boiled water Boiled water Tea Tea 0. 5% tannic acid 0. 5% tannic acid 2% tannic acid 2% tannic acid Figure 1: Labeling of agar plates. The arrows represent the side in which the solution was placed. Each half of the plate contained 3 discs doused with the appropriate solution. After the water was boiled, a black tea bag was then placed into one of the beakers and steeped for 4 minutes. This time was monitored using a stopwatch. After the tea had been steeped, 6 discs were dipped into the tea solution and then placed in the appropriate agar plate (plate #3). The discs were fairly equal distances apart. The same procedure was done with the other beaker of boiled water, the antibiotic, and the different percentages of tannic acid. A total of 6 discs were placed on each plate (ex: 3 dipped in boiled water, 3 in antibiotic in plate #1). These agar plates with added discs were then placed in an incubator set to 37? C for 48 hours and then placed in a refrigerator at 4? C. After the allotted time, the agar plates were taken out of storage and the bacterial reactions to the different solutions were observed and the zone of inhibition on each disc was measured in centimeters using a caliper measuring tool. Results: Table 1. Average diameter in centimeters of the zone of inhibition of the discs soaked each solution. Diameter of Zone of Inhibition| Solution| Average (cm)| Boiled Water| 0. 0| Black Tea| 0. 0| Tannic Acid (0. 5%)| 0. 27| Tannic Acid (2%)| 0. 63| Antibiotic| 1. 0| Table 1. Average diameter in centimeters of the zone of inhibition of the discs soaked each solution. Diameter of Zone of Inhibition| Solution| Average (cm)| Boiled Water| 0. 0| Black Tea| 0. 0| Tannic Acid (0. 5%)| 0. 27| Tannic Acid (2%)| 0. 63| Antibiotic| 1. 0| After measuring the zone of inhibition for each type of solution, we were able to conclude which solution had the most antimicrobial properties based on its zone of inhibition. You read "The Effects of Black Tea on the Growth" in category "Essay examples" The solution that had the most antimicrobial properties (stunted the growth of the bacteria the most) would have the greatest average zone of inhibition. According to our data, the solution with the greatest zone of inhibition was the antibiotic (table 1). This concentration was then compared to the rest of the solutions activity towards the bacteria. The higher tannic acid concentration had a greater zone of Figure 2. Average zone of inhibition in centimeters of each solution tested. For tannic acid solutions, the percentage in the parentheses is the concentration of the tannic acid. Figure 2. Average zone of inhibition in centimeters of each solution tested. For tannic acid solutions, the percentage in the parentheses is the concentration of the tannic acid. inhibition but a lower zone of inhibition than the antibiotic (table 1). Therefore, the more concentrated the tannic acid is, the greater the zone of inhibition. The black tea reacted to the bacteria in the same way as our boiled water control. These both had a zone of inhibition of zero. To better reinforce the differences in zones of inhibition, a bar graph was constructed (figure 2). Through this we were able to see the varying zone of inhibition and therefore could conclude the amount of bacteria growth on the different plates based on which solution was used. Discussion: In this lab, we tested black tea in order to see if it would produce a zone of inhibition in response to E. oli bacteria. What we observed after applying discs to our agar plates was that no apparent zone of inhibition on the tea discs was reached. Our control of boiled water had the same response to the E. coli as did the tea. The tetracycline antibiotic contained the greatest zone of inhibition because it was our control and was known to have antimicrobial properties. Tetracycline is primarily bacteriostatic and exerts its antimicrobial effect by the inhibition of protein synthesis (Anderson, 2012). The tannic acid also had antimicrobial properties based on the zone of inhibition. The greater amount of concentration, the more of an effect it had on stunting bacteria growth. Because the reaction to the bacteria in the tea and water solutions was similar and the reaction to the bacteria in the tea and the antibiotic was so different, this showed that tea does not have any antimicrobial properties based on this experiment. Because of the difference in reactions in the tannic acid versus the tea solutions, tea does not contain tannic acid or the amount of tannic acid in tea is so little that it does not produce a significant effect on bacteria. We expected to see no difference in the amount of bacteria exposed to the black tea solution. Therefore, we accepted our null hypothesis. We must reject our alternative hypothesis because no zone of inhibition was observed on the tea agar plate. We also did this experiment to see if tannic acid had and the black tea had a similar reaction to the bacteria. We observed that the results actually worked in reverse; the tea showed no significant signs of inhibition while the tannic acid did. With further research, we were able to conclude that tea does not contain tannic acid, but it does contain tannin (Richardson, 2012). Tannic acid is a form of commercial tannin and has antimicrobial properties, but it is not found in tea (Post, 2009). Through further research we were able to find a similar experiment that received positive data to support that tea has antimicrobial properties. In this experiment, they attempted to describe the synergistic antimicrobial activity of tea and antibiotics against enteropathogens. Antimicrobial activity of boiled water tea extract and organic solvent extract were studied against Salmonella typhimurium to determine minimum inhibitory concentration. Both green tea and black tea extracts effectively inhibited the growth of S. typhimurium and E. coli (Tiwari et al. , 2005). The difference in this experiment was that they added another alternative to test the tea; the tea was steeped in water at room temperature and in boiled water. According to their results, the zone of inhibition was greater in the tea at room temperature than the boiled water and the E. coli had a lower zone of inhibition than the S. typhimurium (Tiwari et al. , 2005). Not adding these factors into our own experiment could have made a significant difference in our figures and the zones of inhibition. Some areas of human error could have been that the tea was steeped for too short of a time to show any significant results or the forceps that handled the discs were not adequately sterile. Black tea did not have tannic acid as previously thought. Through research we were able to better our knowledge and accept our null hypothesis. Tea does have tannins which can be defensive compounds that counteract bacteria and fungi by interfering with plants’ surface proteins (McGee, 2006). This could have aided in the preservation of health during cholera outbreaks, but tannic acid was not a culprit in this investigation. Tea did not show any significant zone of inhibition and therefore does not have significant antimicrobial properties against E. coli bacteria according to this experiment. Literature Cited: Dufresne, C. and Farnworth, E. 2000. A review of latest research findings on the health promotion properties of tea. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 12: 404-421. Hamilton-Miller, J. M. T. 1995. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Vol. 39, No. 11. London: American Society for Microbiology. Johnson, S. 2006. The Ghost Map. New York: Riverhead Books. Lee Anne A. Drug Information Online, 2012. â€Å"Tetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules† USPhttp://www. drugs. com/pro/tetracycline. html Lee Anne Anderson (September 20, 2012). McGee, H. Tea 101, 2006. â€Å"What are Tannins? † http://www. ochef. com/197. htm (September 21, 2012). Post, Gordon. Post Apple Scientific Inc, 2009. â€Å"Tannic Acid† http://tannicacid. info/ (September 21, 2012). Richardson, B. 2012. Tannic Acid in Tea? I Don’t Think So. The Serene Cup. Tiwari TP, Bharti SK, Kaur HD, Dikshit RP, Hoondal GS. 2005. Synergistic antimicrobial activity of tea antibiotics. US Natural Library of Medicine. 122: 80-4. Yildirim, A. 2000. J. Agric. Food Chem. , Vol. 38, No. 10. Turkey: Erzurum. How to cite The Effects of Black Tea on the Growth, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Date of Payment of Dividend †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Date of Payment of Dividend. Answer: Introduction: Case introduction: In this case, James OHalloran and his wife were acting as the directors and beneficiaries of Fame Decorator Agencies. The company had 217,430 ordinary shares and it also had 66,125 convertible preference shares in Jeffries Industries Ltd., which was a public company at the time and listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Till December 1994, O'Halloran remained the director and chairman of the company. It was provided by the Articles of Association of Jeffries that in case the company failed to declare dividend regarding the convertible preference shares, they could be converted into ordinary shares on the basis of a formula. According to this formula, the lower the aggregate, weighted average sale price, the higher will be the number of ordinary shares that would be received by the preference shareholders in case of such conversion. The aggregate weighted sale price was going to be decided on the basis of the average price of ordinary shares that were sold on ASX during the 20 days trading period immediately before the date of the payment of dividend. On 28 April, Jeffries Industries announced at nearly 2:44 PM to the ASX that it was not going to pay dividend preference shareholders and therefore they can convert their shares. On the same day at 3:30 PM, Mr OHalloran contacted his stockbroker and placed an order for selling 170,000 ordinary shares held by Fame in Jeffries down to 13 cents per share. Therefore, 170,000 ordinary shares of Jeffries were sold by the stockbroker at prices from 35 cents to 13 cents. Before the sale, the last sale price of the ordinary shares of Jeffries was 45 cents. In view of the ASIC, as a result of this trading, after conversion, Fame was going to receive 42 ordinary shares in return of each reference share. The other hand, if the trading would not have taken place, only 24 ordinary shares would have been received by Fame in return of the reference share. Assuming a value of 30 cents per ordinary share, the convertible preference shareholding of Fame would have become nearly $833,175 in place of the original $476,100. In the present case, Fame Decorators Ltd was a holder of preference shares. The company organized a sale of 170,000 shares by its stockbroker in Jeffries industries during the last eight minutes left for trading in the market, striking all the offer orders that were listed above. Out of these, 74,000 have been sold and the 13 cent mark, where the last sale for the day had taken place. The offer for 13 cent had been made, speculatively by an unrelated third party. However, there were suspicions on part of Jeffries Industries regarding these transactions. The reason was that they can significantly impact the weighted average of the ordinary shares of the company for purchasing the conversion of preferred stock. Therefore, if the transactions that the place on 28th of April were ignored, each holder of preference stock would have received 25 ordinary shares on the basis of each preference share. If these were included, the conversion rate that would have been applied would be a 42 for o ne. Under these circumstances, Jeffries Industries had discussions with the Australian Stock Exchange, and it was decided by the directors of the company that April 28 trading needs to be excluded. There was one more holder of preference shares, Fenwick, who had decided that the validity of this decision needs to be challenged. The case was heard by Cohen J. at the first instance. He arrived at the conclusion that the market had been manipulated by Fame Decorators for the purpose of maximizing its return from the provision of conversion and in this way, the company had contravened deeper emissions that are similar to the proposed section 11 B, Securities Markets Act. It was stated by the Court that the available evidence was not sufficient to support the contention made by Fame regarding an immediate financial obligation behind certainly discounted selling of these shares. The court stated that Fame had recourse to finance from other sources. Under the circumstances, it was held by the court that the translations cannot be described as general supply and demand but instead, these translations were made by the seller was not looking for general demand. The duties/responsibilities breached: However in this regard, an arbitrary distinction was made by Cohen J. The court stated that the sales down to $.25 cents were not treated as a breach due to reason that they were not so obviously a sacrificial price as compared to the sales at 14 and 13 cents. As a result of this distinction, it can be implied that the single sale of 170,000 shares could either be split into two purposes, one of which was a legitimate purpose and the other was manipulated or the sale had multiple effects, one of which was misleading, while the other was not. Hence, an appeal was made against this decision. In the appeal, it was argued by Fame that the conduct of the company regarding the sale cannot be described as misleading or deceptive and there was no manipulation of the market involved in this transaction. However, it was acknowledged by Fame that the conduct of the company can be described as opportunistic taking advantage of the situation present in the market. However, it was argued by the company that the company was not responsible for the creation of such a situation or any person in collusion. However, the appeal was rejected by the majority. It was found by the court that the equivalent to s11B cannot be described as being confined to fictitious trading. However, a judgment in dissent was written by Priestly. He disagreed with the opinion of the majority according to which the arm's-length translations that have been executed according to the SEATS with method cannot be considered as tenant demand and supply. In the opinion of Priestly, JA, he felt uneasy regarding the imposition of liability for demand regulation of market, particularly when the market participants had all the relevant information available to them. Therefore, he expressed the opinion that an observer of events related with the last eight minutes of trading, who understood the facts that were publicly available and were relevant to the shares of Jeffries Industries, would not have been deceived regarding the market price of diesel shares due to the reason of what took place during the last eight minutes of trading. Discuss and critically ANALYSE the court/tribunal decision: Hence in this case, the court was divided regarding the culpability of transaction. According to the majority of the court, the transaction has been described as manipulative due to the reason that the majority felt that the purpose of the transaction was to artificially host down the price of the shares in order to increase the entitlement of the appellant on conversion of preference shares. On the other hand, in the opinion of the minority, the transaction has merely taken place due to the mechanism of the market. The apparent and done nothing in order to influence the market mechanism except from accepting the offers. According to the rules of the market. In this way, this division in the opinion of the court also reveals the limits present in case of the requirements of specific intent due to the reason that it can be plausibly argued, as done by the minority judge in this case, that, while acting for his own advantage, the purpose of the appellant, cannot be described as creatin g a false or misleading opinions regarding the market. The purpose of the apparent was to bring a close of market price that would be advantageous to him, regarding the conversion of preference shares. In this way, the issue that was mentioned by the minority argument can be dealt with by the interpretation of general intent to manipulate. Even if the minority view is accepted that the appellant did not have the purpose of creating false or misleading appearance of market because he had arguably done nothing more than selling shares according to the procedure of the market, still the transaction can be described as manipulative and the reason that clearly there was an intention present on part of the appellant lamentably regarding the convergent transaction. Therefore, it can be stated that the bad oblation law is not only confined to the deception of a purchaser or a seller of the securities but the law also covers any manipulative device that has been used in case of a securities transaction. However, even if the above-mentioned reasoning may appear to be a little broad, but it can be justified on the basis of a number of grounds. First of all, it will be practically more effective to deal with market manipulation. It would also be consistent with the proposal that has been made by some commentators regarding a general anti-fraud provision; the implied intent approach can also widen the scope of anti-manipulation legislation. Therefore, it will result in improving the rate of enforcement as well as the rate of deterrence. It is particularly very significant, especially in view of the present poor record of enforcement that exists in Australia. In the same way, secondly, it appears that there is some judicial support also present for this approach. The reasoning mentioned above, that was applied by the majority in Fame, according to which, the conduct of the company regarding this sale. The probability to deceive or mislead the third parties who were entitled to depend on the market price in order to determine the conversion rate. Hence, it can be said that it was the impact of the transaction on the parties due to which the court was prompted to arise at the conclusion that the sale was manipulated. Similarly, if the experience from the US can be considered as a guide, the famous misappropriation theory present in the insider trading law was developed in the similar way in accordance with the general anti-fraud rule. The misappropriation theory provides that the fraud takes place on the source of information instead of market traders. Therefore it appears that even if the general intent approach may appear to be broad, but it is a viable option. The relevance of the decision: Therefore, briefly speaking, although there are certain difficulties present, but the implied intent approach needs to be the way forward in order to improve the efficiency of the market manipulation regime. By adopting this approach, the test of manipulation will be broadened and therefore the regime will become more responsive towards new and emerging manipulative practices, but at the same time, it will also prevent over-deterrence, or in other words, to deter the participants in the market from entering socially desirable and legitimate transactions. Hence the general intent needs to be developed judicially by self implied intent approach, which may represent betterment as compared to the specific intent requirement that was present in the earlier provisions. In this case, it appears that the defense has generally relied on the illusion that Jeffries Industries cannot be described as a trading or e financial Corporation. It was said that Jeffries Industries was a holding company. They did not have any other significant assets, apart from the shares in its subsidiaries. The company did not produce much income, apart from the dividends from its subsidiaries. The company did not have really separates the. The trading of the was done by its subsidiaries. The evidence produced by the Crown by the former managing director of Jeffries Industries advised that the company had exercised strict cash and management control on all the companies of the group, which pointed out towards the fact that it was a type of finance company, and it was operating as a trading company with the help of its subsidiaries.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Oscar Wildes The Importance of Being Earnest and Heart of Darkness

Oscar Wilde’s comedy, The Importance of Being Earnest, is a satire of everything stuffy and constrictive in the 19th and early 20th century. It shows the modern reader how different life was back then, and also how much remains the same. The play explores the theme of the relations between the sexes. It also highlights the way that all of us cherish illusions about ourselves and others.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest and Heart of Darkness specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Wilde spares no one. Everyone is ridiculous. John Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff, for example, are self-centered and, of course, almost entirely idle. The fashionable, urban, Gwendolen Fairfax is a schemer, but her supposedly unsophisticated rural counterpart, Cecily Cardew, is equally calculating. The dowager Lady Bracknell plays the game of marriage politics, is un-motherly, and a sn ob. Even Miss Prism, the governess, is a foolish and fallible creature. Canon Chasuble seems totally unconnected with spirituality. They are all skewered with equal ferocity. Only the butlers seem relatively free of idiocies. The social constraints on women and men in expressing their feelings for one another are also parodied. A modern couple would not have to answer to Lady Bracknell to obtain permission to marry. On the other hand, girls still fantasize about boys they like. Today, however, they might post blog posts of fan fiction instead of writing an imaginary diary, as Cecily did. Wilde also satirizes the class distinctions that obsessed so many people. For example, Algernon deplores the lax morals of the servant class. However, he himself lives by fibs and outright lies. This play holds up a mirror to all of us, even after a century. People are foolish and they don’t always see themselves or others honestly and fully. Wilde shows us this with immense humor. The Heart of Darkness, exploring the impact of interior Africa on European colonials, seems at first glance to be filled with racist references. However, this impression dissipates when the story is more closely examined. Conrad actually seems deeply sympathetic with the indigenous people, and their oppression and near-enslavement by the colonial personnel.Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The descriptions of the landscape provide a vivid sense of the way that Europeans felt when confronted with an utterly alien landscape, flora, fauna, and people. Conrad, for example, repeatedly notes the darkness and the thickness of the forest, even a short distance from the shore, and speaks of the darkness at its center. He is talking here as much about the unknown rather than an absence of light, although rain forests can be dark. The skillful speech of Mr. Kurtz is even described as being light c oming out of the deep darkness of the continent. The author is trying to convey the complete lack of fit between most of the expectations, behaviors, planning and responses of the colonials, on the one hand, and the realities of the continent itself, on the other. In spite of the greater firepower that the colonials possess, Conrad shows the reader, disease and madness claim many casualties. This reminds the modern reader of the way that high tech armies throw themselves at trouble spots around the world, and end up baffled and ineffective. The land, the climate, the terrain, and the people, just make overcoming the local situation nearly impossible. This novel makes the extraction of ivory and other resources seem all the more ludicrous, and wasteful of lives. Conrad makes a powerful and moving argument against the whole colonial enterprise, in spite of using the racist locutions that were common in his era. This book should perhaps always be read in concert with some literature by Africans themselves, just to give a different perspective on the region and its issues. This essay on Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest and Heart of Darkness was written and submitted by user Harlow Hebert to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Political Momentum

Political Momentum "Only YOU can prevent forest fires". This famous quote, by Smokey the Bear, is a statement that essentially defines momentum. Momentum, in the case of forest fires, is detrimental momentum. We've all seen the commercial, the bright red Ferrari driving down the road, flicking a cigarette out the window. It rolls onto a pile of dry leaves, and suddenly, the leaf is smoking! Oh no! The leaves have caught fire and it is spreading to a nearby tree! Soon, nearby trees have caught fire, and thus the momentum that results in a forest fire of gigantic proportions begins from a single spark. Such is the case with recent interest in campaign finance reform. Only the momentum it has gained in recent months is anything but detrimental! So, to answer the question, "WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF MEANINGFUL CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM IN THIS SESSION OF CONGRESS?" My answer is that the chances of this are slim to none, however, this answer is somewhat incomplete. Allow me to expand upon this by first, citing past evidence of questionable campaign fund raisers. Second, I will use the examples to explain WHY we need a reform. And finally, I will describe how the recent take off on this large issue has ensured its eventual resolution. First, allow me to cite examples of corrupt campaign financing. The campaiging 'business' is not a cheap enterprise. The money that is required to publish and distribute phamplets, hire campaign workers, and buy airtime from the media is enourmous! It has always been a concern of candidates of major elections. More recently however has such a controversy surfaces. Allow me to use this as an example: According to the Sep. 29th 1997 issure of Time, in 1995 and 1996, videotapes were made of presedential coffees with Asian executives, personal donors, and business owners. A total of 103 coffees for the Democrats equals 27 million dollars for their fund raisers. There are more recent events. Accroding to the Oct. ... Free Essays on Political Momentum Free Essays on Political Momentum Political Momentum "Only YOU can prevent forest fires". This famous quote, by Smokey the Bear, is a statement that essentially defines momentum. Momentum, in the case of forest fires, is detrimental momentum. We've all seen the commercial, the bright red Ferrari driving down the road, flicking a cigarette out the window. It rolls onto a pile of dry leaves, and suddenly, the leaf is smoking! Oh no! The leaves have caught fire and it is spreading to a nearby tree! Soon, nearby trees have caught fire, and thus the momentum that results in a forest fire of gigantic proportions begins from a single spark. Such is the case with recent interest in campaign finance reform. Only the momentum it has gained in recent months is anything but detrimental! So, to answer the question, "WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF MEANINGFUL CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM IN THIS SESSION OF CONGRESS?" My answer is that the chances of this are slim to none, however, this answer is somewhat incomplete. Allow me to expand upon this by first, citing past evidence of questionable campaign fund raisers. Second, I will use the examples to explain WHY we need a reform. And finally, I will describe how the recent take off on this large issue has ensured its eventual resolution. First, allow me to cite examples of corrupt campaign financing. The campaiging 'business' is not a cheap enterprise. The money that is required to publish and distribute phamplets, hire campaign workers, and buy airtime from the media is enourmous! It has always been a concern of candidates of major elections. More recently however has such a controversy surfaces. Allow me to use this as an example: According to the Sep. 29th 1997 issure of Time, in 1995 and 1996, videotapes were made of presedential coffees with Asian executives, personal donors, and business owners. A total of 103 coffees for the Democrats equals 27 million dollars for their fund raisers. There are more recent events. Accroding to the Oct. ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

American workforce

The behavioral component means the tendency to take negative actions against a particular group. The behavior stems form attitudes and feelings which constitute prejudice. Although prejudice is generally negative it is not as damaging as discrimination. The behavior component makes it possible to make the thoughts become real. Research has found that discrimination in any form is detrimental to the well being of the discriminated individual (Mathis Jackson, 2004). The workplace is the place in which the employee comes to work on his tasks and to carry out his profession. If the workplace is non-discriminatory, the employee is more likely to work effectively and efficiently and to increase productivity and performance as well. The most common methods employed by organizations to ensure that their work environment is non-discriminatory are to conduct sensitivity trainings, to provide provisions for grievances and complaints of discriminatory behavior and to follow non-discriminatory guidelines in terms of hiring, selection and promotions. Sensitivity trainings are common in most organizations especially if the company is culturally diverse as well as sexual orientation, disability and religion. The advantages of using sensitivity trainings to make employees become aware of the prejudices and discrimination they may have for other people and teaches the employees how to change their thoughts about minority groups in an experiential manner. It also communicates to each employee that an individual is a person in his/her own right and should be respected as such, and not be accorded respect based on one’s race, religion or sex. The disadvantage in using this method is that if  employees do not have a positive attitude towards the training then this would surely limit their capacity to learn from the sessions. Moreover, sensitivity trainings are periodically given and is not reinforced thus limiting its effectiveness. The provisions for grievances and complaints communicate to the employees that discrimination will not be tolerated by the management. It is effective as a control mechanism to lessen discrimination in the workplace and make the employees become cautious of their behavior. This method does not really ensure that the workplace would be discrimination free since it does not teach the employees why discrimination is wrong. It only holds people accountable for their actions, although it gives the employees who belong to the minority group comfort. Besides, discrimination may come in subtle forms and not even many employees who are victims of discrimination will file a complaint for fear of repercussions in terms of inter-office politics. Hiring, selection and promotion of employees based on merit and performance is a non-discriminatory principle to ensure that people become part of the organization based on criteria that can be achieved by most people. The difficulty with this measure is that although it is an objective measure, subjectivity is still present. It is common knowledge that when it comes to promotions and even selecting candidates for the job a certain amount of subjectivity that cannot be monitored by a guideline. It also does not consider that mangers may have their own prejudices which may dictate their decisions on hiring and promotion. References Bohlander, G. Snell, S. (2003). Managing Human Resources 13th ed., South-Western College Publication Fitzenz, J. (2001). How to Measure Human Resource Management 3rd. ed , New York; McGraw-Hill Mathis, R. Jackson, J. (2004). Human Resource Management 11th ed., South-Western College Publication American Workforce

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Abstract Expressionism - Art and Surreal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Abstract Expressionism - Art and Surreal - Essay Example The essay "Abstract Expressionism - Art and Surreal" analyzes artworks of abstract expressionism. Surrealism in art derives its meaning as a manifestation of â€Å"a style of art and literature developed principally in the 20th century, stressing the subconscious or non-rational significance of imagery arrived at by automatism or the exploitation of chance effects, unexpected juxtapositions, etc". The works of Hans Hoffman and Jackson Pollack are examples of works exemplifying abstract expressionism and the application of surrealist ideas in terms of the free flow of improvised expressions of designs, colors and style depicted in their art works. Both artists employed the technique of action painting, defined as â€Å"a highly-charged, impulsive abstract painting technique during which paint is energetically splashed, spilt or dribbled onto a canvas, usually placed face-up on the floor†. Pollack’s One: Number 31 created in 1950 is basically shown in colors black, white and grey on a brown backdrop with obvious but artistic rendition of the drip technique. Hoffman’s Spring is more colorful with more lively hues of red, yellow, green and intermittent blue in conjunction with the white, black and gray drips and splashes. A connection between the two art works could be deduced from the similarities in style and drips forming long elongated lines that curve into an intricate web of patterns interwoven with other colors. Pollack created more splashes as evidenced by tiny blots of black paint just by the edge of the frame.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

UK Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

UK Taxation - Essay Example (Macleary, 1991:17). The UK Tax system is based upon a combination of both these forms of taxation and a compromise between them, with individuals being taxed progressively higher, in accordance with their income level. Tax incentives are provided to encourage savings by providing relief from taxation for such amounts. Earnings arising from gifts or winnings from gambling may be exempt from tax, capital gains are taxable, although it may not fall specifically under the category of income tax. (Macleary, 1991 :22). Tax exemption is provided on a personal allowance, usually about 5000 pounds a year. The application of progressive tax rates indicates that different tax rates apply for different income bands, with higher tax percentages being applied to higher income bands. Such a tax system is justified on the basis of fairness, and because it provides a buffer for the poor to be protected from indirect taxation, promoting social cohesion by using taxes collected from the rich for health, educational and other programs to benefit of the poor.(Ruane, 1999). However, it is also argued that progressive tax is unfair because it is akin to a form of double taxation, because those who earn more income already pay a greater share of tax even on a standard rate (Ruane, 1999). This method of taxation results in maximum revenues coming from a small segment of the executive population, hence in a recession, there is a real danger of a sudden drop in taxes collected. The higher income bracket of talented individuals may also be tempted to migrate to other countries where tax rates are more conducive, thus creating a brain drain. There is also a greater tendency to evade the payment of taxes when the rates are too high and the Government in the long run, ends up with a reduced amount collected from taxes because the tendency to double taxation is resented by individuals, who try to escape it through various means. This is the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Essay Example for Free

Organisational Behaviour Essay Organizational Behaviour is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. In OB people-organization relationships are interpreted and from studying the different topics of OB, better relationships can be built by achieving human objectives, organisational objectives and social objectives. (http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leadob.html) Three of the many topics that fall under Organisational Behaviour are Motivation, Communication and Leadership which in this essay will be explained and analysed individually as well as in specific organisational examples to form a better understanding of their importance in organisations and the role they play in organisational behaviour. Motivation involves the forces within a person that effect his or her direction, intensity and persistence of voluntary behaviour (Work and Organizational Behaviour, John Bratton, 2010). Motivation plays an incredibly important role in the workplace as organisations are constantly trying to increase the efficiency of the way in which they are run whether their aims are to increase profits or employee satisfaction. Through their employees and what motivates them organisations can do this by using different motivation theories developed by different motivational theorists. Two types of motivation that theorists have identified are intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivators being factors that internally motivate individuals to perform tasks out of personal desire and Extrinsic motivators that involve motivating a person by something they have no control over such as increasing their pay or giving them a promotion. This ties in to Content theories of motivation that all state individuals in an organization all have a set of basic needs and so need these fulfilled to be motivated. A very well known content theory being Maslow’s hierarchy of needs states that as humans we all have five levels of needs and as we satisfy these needs we are motivated and so continue to satisfy needs on higher levels. However to be able to apply such a theory in the workplace workers location on the hierarchy of needs would have to be indentified by their managers. Challenges in implementing a motivation theory such as Maslow’s include people responding to attempts to motivate them differently and trying to figure out what motivates each employee. In order to properly motivate employees, managers must know them and this is rarely the case due to organisations sizes especially with Trans National Corporations (TNCs). Read more:Â  Essay About Organisations and Behaviour This would also cost the organisation time and money and so depending on their financial position, trying to better get to know the employees of the organisation may be quite the challenge. In the current financial situation, this may be a time where this is a challenge for many organisations. Theory X and Y is another content theory of motivation. Deveolped by Douglas McGregor, Theory X and Y are both attitudes managers in organisations have in regards to employees of that organisation and their motivation towards work in the workplace. Theory X managers believe employees are unmotivated to work, lack the drive to do and don’t take any enjoyment out of work. Google is a company where managers have the opposite belief. The belief that employees are motivated to work and take as much enjoyment out of work as they do their social life. For this reason Theory Y managers at Google allow the employees to have very easy and relaxed rules in regards to working time and projects to work on and 20% of work time can be devoted to their own projects which motivates them to work hard. Allowing their employees to do things they enjoy and take so much satisfaction out of their job causes motivation levels to be very and high and so efficiency to be at a high level also. Individuals in the workplace aren’t all motivated by satisfying their needs. Some theories direct their attention to employees and how they make conscious choices that lead to a specific work behaviour. These theories are Process theories of motivation and help to gain knowledge on how behaviour is initiated, directed and sustained. Such theories are made to understand the process of implementing motivators into their behaviour in order to reach the level of rewards the employee desires. One of these theories is the Goal-setting theory, which is the process of motivating employees and clarifying their role perceptions by establishing performance objectives. (Work and Organizational Behaviour, John Bratton, 2010) Goal-setting works best with employees who have a high need for achievement, low need for affiliation and high need for autonomy and is most successful in interdependent situations and supportive climates as employees feel they play an important rule in the organization and its success. Research conducted consistently showed that goal-setting techniques have had a positive effect on motivation in the workplace with one of the best goal-setting theories applied being ‘management by objectives’. Management by objectives works by managers setting specific and challenging goals over a specified period in time for each employee that best suit their role. A benefit of management by objectives is it more easily allows appraisal of employee performance pay awards to take place. A massive fault with the management by objective and performance pay awards however is not all people are motivated by money and pay rewards. Different people at different points in their lives and in different scenarios are motivated by different factors. For instance, a young individual straight out of school who has just joined a specific organisation is motivated by trying to impress and is possibly looking to get a promotion as soon as possible while a single mother working two jobs could be motivated by the money as she needs to support her children on her own. What it comes down to is employees all have their own individual needs and the ways companies can best get the most out of their employees is by catering to their needs in return so that motivation in the workplace can be achieved to keep the organization running as smoothly as possible. Communication Communication can be defined as a process in which information is transmitted and understood between two or more people. In the modern world it plays a massively important role, as the effectiveness with which a person will be able to perform in almost any organization will depend massively upon their ability to communicate effectively. (Organisational Communication, The Keystone to managerial effectiveness) Communication in business is everywhere, be it between employees of an organization during group work, management delegating work to subordinates or just an employee of an organization making an order for stock. Before communication can take place a communication channel must be chosen as choosing the correct communication channel for each specific situation is important if the quality of the message being sent is to be maintained through the whole process so that it is the of the same quality when it is received as it was when it was sent. There are three main types of communication channels in a work organization, a formal communication channel, an informal communication channel and an unofficial communication channel. Formal communication is communication in an organization that flows down the hierarchy structures of the organization and involves the transmittal of goals. On the other hand Informal communication doesn’t go down a hierarchal structure and involves communication links developed outside of the hierarchal structure. Similarly, unofficial communication is communication that doesn’t involve the actual organization but is interpersonal and occurs between employees in an organization. A well-known example of unofficial communication is the grapevine and involves such talk between employees as complaints they have with the company and rumours going around concerning the organization. For this reason, unofficial communication can be an advantage for organisations as managers can pick up on false rumours and also better the organisation by fixing the problems talked about by employees. In the long run this has a positive effect on the company by as employees become more effective in their work as they see their thoughts matter. Failures in Communication are more frequent than the successes in the lives of us all and in an organization such failures could be extremely costly and have detrimental effects. To minimise these failures, processes have been designed. (Organisational Communication, The Keystone to managerial effectiveness) The nature of the communication process established in the organisation reflects the management style, degree of employee participation, culture and efficiency of the workplace. (Organizational Behaviour in a Global Context By Albert J. Mills, Jean C. Helms Mills, John Bratton, Carolyn Forshaw) One example of a process model of communication is by Berlo (1960) where he blended his own extensive experiences with the Shannon-Weaver mathematical model. It is depicted in a flow diagram in which there is six parts. The six parts of Berlos communication flow diagram are Communication source-Encoder-Message-Channel-Decoder-Communication receiver. In order for the communication process to run smoothly all six parts of the flow diagram have to be working as each stage of the diagram operates on the basis that the one before it worked first. Unfortunately, all six parts of the flow diagram don’t always work and there can be disruptions in the communication process. These disruptions are barriers to effective communication and are examples of the challenges to applying communication theory to organization. There are many kinds of barriers to effective communication such as Physical barriers, Emotional barriers and Perceptual barriers. Physical barriers to effective communication include distance from the person trying to be communicated with and technology failing. This is why even with a designated communication network flow such as the one coined up by Berlo, communication in an organization isn’t guaranteed to run smoothly. Other challenges become present when applying certain communication processes. Weaver (Shannon and Weaver, 1949) came up with the idea that regardless of the type of communication situation an organization is in, there are always the same problems involved and they can be split into three levels- level A, level B, level C. Level A is the technical problem of achieving accuracy in the transmission of signals, level B is the semantic problem of assuring that the transmitted signals convey the desired meaning and level c is the effectiveness problem of assuring that the received meaning affects behavior in the desired way. Weaver suggests that for communication to be successful in any form each level of the problem must be solved or its effects minimized. Leadership (and Management) Leadership is a very important aspect in organisations of all kinds regardless of their aims, size and the markets they are in. This is because leadership is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how it can be done effectively, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish the shared objectives. (Yukl ,2002). Obviously leadership in one organisation may be different from the next as the managers decide on how to best run the organisation based on factors specific to their own organisation. Such factors can include the organisations structure, the organisations aims and also the organisations corporate culture. This is where leadership theories come into play as they suggest the different ways leaders can carry out their roles and the best way to lead a business from the top. Leadership theories have come up with not only what leaders should do i.e. theories for leaders but also what leaders actually do. i.e. theories of leadership. Theories for leaders main purpose is finding out ways in which to improve leadership effectiveness while Theories of Leadership are directed at a better understanding of leadership processes. (Work and Organizational Behaviour, John Bratton, 2010) These theories can be based on a variety of philosophies and can have leadership models based on them. Derived from Leadership theories and models are Leadership styles, which are perceptions of the theories and models acted out in actual organisations. Such Leadership styles include autocratic, participative and laissez-fair. (http://managementhelp.org/ldrship/ldrship.htm) One well-known leadership theory involves what is thought to be the make up of a good leader. This theory is the Traits theory and suggests that people are born with inherited traits, with some traits being particularly suited to leadership and people who make good leaders have the right combination of traits. (http://changingminds.org/disciplines/leadership/theories/trait_theory.htm) Such traits include drive, leadership motivation, honesty, self-confidence and knowledge of the business. A big example of a leader who fits the Trait Theory is Sir Richard Branson the chair of Virgin Group since 1973. (Page 364, Work and Organizational Behaviour, John Bratton, 2010) Sir Richard Branson’s Leadership built Virgin Group to more than 200 privately held companies such as Virgin Atlantic Airways, Virgin Holidays and Virgin Rail and has annual sales of over US $5 billion. This shows that with certain characteristics the right leader can have a very positive impact on an organization. However, while there are examples of when the Trait theory has been correct and certain leaders with certain characteristics have successfully led companies, the trait theory has also been criticized. One major criticism of the Trait theory is the failure to recognize the importance of followership in the leadership process. As well as this, not all leaders are going to fit the Trait theory criteria and so because of this the Trait Theory doesn’t apply in all cases. Another Leadership Theory is the Path-goal Theory developed by Robert House. Specifically the theory is a contingency theory (a theory based on the idea that the most effective leadership style depends upon the leader, the followers and the situation) that suggests that leaders can affect motivation, job satisfaction and the performance of work group members by their actions. (Work and Organizational Behaviour, John Bratton, 2010) The Leadership behavioural styles such as Directive, Supportive, Participative and Achievement orientated are adopted by the leader in the situations they would best allow the ‘followers’ or subordinates to achieve their specific goal at that point in time. For example a leader in an organization may choose to pick up a supportive style when dealing with a follower who is in need of a more supportive environment. This is how motivation, job satisfaction and work group members performances can be affected. The path-goal theory’s approach to leadership can be seen as better than the roles managers play as they aren’t set roles but are more flexible and orientated towards the subordinates of the leader. An important point to note is that management and leadership are not the same. For example, while a manager would look to exhibit supervisory behaviour, a leader would instead look to exhibit leading behaviour which would involve the leader helping a follower reach their goal instead of just supervising them and watching from the sidelines. (Page 363, Work and Organizational Behaviour, John Bratton, 2010) In conclusion to this essay we can see the importance each Organisational Beahviour topic plays in an organizational structure especially in this day and age. Not only this, but we can see the challenges in applying organizational theories to organizational examples. For example, in implementing such a leadership theory as the traits theory, it can be seen that this can’t be applied to every type of leader there can be because not all leaders are born with these traits, others gain them. Leadership and management in an organization involves both motivation and communication as they are both vital parts of being a leader. Being able to properly apply motivation theories and types in an organization comes down to the person in charge and the approach of motivation will depend on the approach taken with Leadership. For instance, different leaders have different methods of motivating followers and people in their organization. One leader or manager might have a theory y attitude and so will feel not a lot has to be done about motivation while on the other hand a manager with a theory x attitude will believe the opposite. Communication choices in an organization can also be heavily dependant on the leadership and management, as depending on the organizational structure of the organization decided by management communication may flow down the structue in a certain way. Different types of communication may also be determined. One leadership style which prefers more formal commnication, which ties to the idea of commnication following strict organizational structure or another that prefers the more informal approach of commnication. In this essay not only were challenges of implementing organizational theories brought to light, but also the connections that can be drawn involving all three of the organizational topics were made evident.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Bipolar Brain and the Creative Mind Essay example -- Biology Essay

The Bipolar Brain and the Creative Mind "Our hospital was famous and had housed many great poets and singers. Did the hospital specialize in poets and singers, or was it that poets and singers specialized in madness? ... What is it about meter and cadence and rhythm that makes their makers mad?" (1) The link between madness and creativity is one that has been hotly debated in both medical and literary circles for a long time. The two most common types of mental illness theorized to be an influence on creative people such as writers, artists, and poets were schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (2). However, various studies comparing the characteristics of schizophrenics, bipolars, and writers have concluded that schizophrenics do not share a common thought process with writers (2). In comparison, a study conducted at the University of Iowa declared that while both bipolar patients and writers tended to "sort in large groups... arbitrarily change starting points, or use vague distantly related concepts as categorizing principles" (p 107), the two differed in their abilities to control their thoughts (2). Where the exactly this line of control is located – or indeed if there is a line at all – is the debate in question. Bipolar disorder, also called manic depression, is a complex and often cruel illness that takes sufferers on a rollercoaster ride of emotional highs and deep depressions. During the mania period, either euphoria or irritability manifest themselves, and sometimes a combination of the two, called "mixed mania"(3). A person in a manic phase can also exhibit symptoms known to physicians as the DIGFAST symptoms: distractibility is heightened; insomnia is present due to increased energy; grandiosity occurs in delus... ..., 1993. 3)Medscape article, facts on bipolar disorder http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/151096 4)An article on the Pendulum website, about the possible links between bipolar disorder and creative personalities http://www.pendulum.org/articles/creativity_troubled.htm 5)A website to support those with bipolar illness, with a list of famous manic-depressives http://users.frii.com/parrot/dead.html 6)The Serendip webpage, an article entitled "Creativity and Psychopathology" http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/serendipia/Serendipia-Preti.html 7)A website to support those with bipolar disorder, with an essay by a teenage girl about her bipolar illness http://www.pendulum.org/writings/label_maker.htm 8)An article posted from the Science News, about the relationship between creativity and bipolar illness http://users.lycaeum.org/~martins/M2/creativ2.html

Monday, November 11, 2019

A Sample Destination Analysis

I. Destination Analysis 1. Transportation The Banaue rice terraces are located in the mountainous  North central region of Luzon Island. While Banaue town is only 350 km from Manila, if it were in the lowlands, this route is about 8-9 hours because it’s a two-lane highway with many switchbacks in the mountains. And if you travel by air from Clark’s airport is a bit complicated. One option is to hop on a bus to Baguio right at the Clark’s Airport, and catch a bus to Banaue early the next day (unless you can catch the last evening bus at 9:30 p. m. ). Or you can take a bus to Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija also at the  Clark Airport, catch a bus to Cagayan Valley (Tuguegarao, Cagayan or Isabela) in Cabanatuan and get off at Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. From Solano, you can easily find transportation to Banaue. The third option is to take a bus to Manila and catch the bus to Banaue from there. From Manila, Banaue is 333 km. North along Maharlika Highway passing the provinces of Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, Cabanatuan and San Jose cities. There are air conditioned buses from Manila going direct to Banaue. A guest can have a comfortable ride and in some cases, a good sleep if he takes the evening schedule. In the morning after a nine-hour travel and intermittent sleep, he would be awakened to the magnificent view of the rice terraces. Important tips for our visitors coming from Banaue to Uhaj The Banaue-Uhaj road is 70% concreted and 30% still unsurfaced and may be difficult for low profile vehicles to use at times, we  recommend you use an SUV vehicle or the alternative when you’re coming using an ordinary car is to park downtown in Banaue Hotel parking and if it’s two adults or three adults you can get a tricycle from Banaue Hotel to Uhaj ,If you are in a van and have 4 people or more you could hire a jeepney at a cost of around 900 Pesos. The journey takes 40 mins. You can get jeepneys going to Hapao in the afternoon between 4 and 6 pm from Banaue they will drop outside our lodge at a cost of approximately 25 pesos per person. You can get jeepneys in the morning from Uhaj to Banaue from 5:30 am-7:30 am at a cost of 25 pesos per person. Travel time Because travel time from Manila by the overnight bus   can be a tiring   9 hrs. journey. On your arrival at Native Village Inn that day you may well feel like just relaxing for most of that day. What we are advising is that it takes time to visit the beauty spots   in the Banaue area. So we recommend staying at least two nights at Native Village Inn. As you can use our place as a base from which you can do your tours and trekking in the UNESCO world heritage rice terraces. We suggest the above for a reason that you don’t get totally   stressed out trying to do everyday in one day and believe us it’s not possible. Route going from Manila to Banaue by Private Transportation. Head for the Northern Luzon Expressway (NLEX)transfer onto (SCTEX) just near Dau. Stay on the SCTEX till the toll at the very end. After the toll turn right (not left) to LA PAZ, then ZARAGOZA, TALAVERA, SAN JOSE, STA. FE , SOLANO, LAGAWE, BANAUE. Banaue hotel is half a kilometer before Banaue town centre on your right side. as you pass Banaue hotel on the right side take the next left. Half a kilometer (road going to bontoc and viewpoint). Then take next left again one and a half kilometers (this is the road to Hapao, Hungdugan). Stay on that road for another seven kilometers, taking the left fork always. We are quarter kilometer past the village oh Uhaj on the right side. By bus Getting to Banaue directly might take a lot of effort if you're not taking a direct route from  Manila  or if you don't have a tour agency to help you. Here are few possible ways to get to Banaue — Manila  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Banaue  (direct), * Ohayami Trans,  Lacson Ave. cor. Fajardo St. , Sampaloc, Manila  (Just near University of Sto. Tomas or take the train from the Legarda Station then just take a trickshaw to the terminal),  ? +63 927 649 3055, +63 917 561 7344, +63 2 516-0501,  Provides trips directly to Banaue. They have three daily trips – 21:00, 21:45 and 22:00 leaving their terminal in Manila and taking 9-10  hrs  ? 450. * Manila  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Baguio  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Banaue, * Ohayami Trans,  Otek St. , Burnham Park, Baguio City  (within Chowking area),  8 hrs. Provides trips from Baguio to Banaue. They have two daily trips – 20:00, 21:00  ? 360. * KMS,  Near Rizal Park, Baguio City,  ? 09159471440. 7 hrs. Provides a mini-bus trip from Baguio to Banaue. They have two daily trips: 08:00 and 21:30. ?400. The first may be a good choice if you don't like overnight buses or want to enjoy the very scenic drive during the day. Manila  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Baguio  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Bontoc  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Banaue. There are jeepneys going from Bontoc to Banaue and even Sagada to Banaue during peak season or holidays. Manila – Solano, Nueva Vizcaya – Banaue ifugao  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ buses heading to Tuguegarao (e. g. Baliwag transit, Victory,Florida transport inc. , etc. pass by the town of Solano. Several jeepneys ply the Solano-Banaue route or the Solano-Lagawe, Ifugao route. From Lagawe, one can then take another jeepney to Banaue. Manila – Tarlac – Solano – Banaue  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ buses heading for Baguio pass by Tarlac. Vizcaya liner plies the Tarlac-Solano ro ute at 05:00. By car The distance between the Balintawak Cloverleaf, in north Manila at the beginning of the North Luzon Expressway and the  Welcome to Banaue  sign, is about 332  km. The road is paved all the way to Banaue. Travel time can be as long as 9  hr due to the several blind curves through the mountains. Best day to travel is on good Friday of Lenten season, Christmas day and new year's day. It will take about 7  hr only by car with a reliable driver. Jeepneys (converted jeeps/bus) and tricycles (trikes) (little motorcycles with side cars) are easily available around Banaue. Vans can be hired with driver/guide. Expect to hike some to great places to see that are not on the roads. There is a public jeepney plying the Banaue-Batad (Saddle-point) (start of trek to  Batad  village) route daily What if all the direct buses to Banaue are already full? 1. Then ride the Ohayami Trans bus going to Kiangan via Lagawe. . Go down at Lagawe, Ifugao. 3. Take a  jeep from   Lagawe to Banaue. Ohayami Trans Bus to Kiangan via Lagawe Schedule:  9:30 PM ETA Lagawe:  5:30 AM Fare to Lagawe:  400 Pesos per person – one-way Jeep from Lagawe to Banaue are available from early in the morning Fare:  37 Pesos per person – one-way Travel Time:  1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes. You can topload at the jeep from Lagawe to Banaue. What if even the buses to Kiangan via Lagawe are already full? 1. Go to  Florida Bus Lines  or  Victory Liner  in  Sampaloc  and ride the bus going toCagayan Valley/Tugegarao. The buses will pass by Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. Fare is 335 Pesos per person. Travel Time is 5-6 hrs. For Victory Liner Schedule visit  here. There are also Victory Liner Buses leaving to Cagayan Valley/Tugegarao from their Kamias Terminal. 2. Go down at Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. 3. Ride jeepney from Solano to Lagawe, Ifugao. (67 Pesos per person, 2hrs 40mins travel time) Available from early in the morning. 4. Ride jeepney from Lagawe to Banaue, Ifugao. (37 Pesos per person, 1hrs 30mins travel time) Available from early in the morning. How to go back to Manila from Banaue Ride the Ohayami Bus Lines from Banaue to Manila. Schedule:  6:45PM and 7 PM Travel Time:  9 hours – 3:45AM and 4AM Fare:  450 Pesos per person – one-way. When you arrive at Banaue it is better to reserve your ticket going back to Manila at the Ohayami ticketing booth. You can also do the online reservation via bank deposit. How to Get to Sagada from Manila via Banaue It is good to take this route especially if you are planning to take in the majesty of Banaue Rice Terraces in Ifugao povince, whether from a view point  en route  to Sagada or if you are planning to stay for a day or two to xplore the place. And let me tell you at this point that shopping for furniture and wood carvings in Banaue is fantastic, so you may want to think about staying a little longer. Many folks, especially those bringing their cars, take the Manila-Baguio-Sagada-Banaue-Manila route or do the reverse, going up via Banaue and down via the City of Pines. The good news is, although tr avel time is pretty long, passing through the Philippines countryside is a lovely learning experience and a pretty relaxing ride. This section will deal with the tricky aspect of getting to Sagada from Manila via Banaue. Tricky because there are limited rides from place to place. But all-in-all, it's a pretty cheap vacation and great for backpackers and adventure travelers. Manila-Banaue-Sagada First, let me give you an idea of the locations of Baguio, Sagada and Banaue in relation to each other and Manila. Baguio (located within Benguet province) is on the northwestern side of Luzon while Banaue, Ifugao is   accessible via travel on the northeastern side of Luzon and Sagada, is in between. All three places are north of Manila. Thus one can access Sagada both from the east (Banaue, Ifugao) and the west (Baguio/Benguet). Each route will entail more or less the same combined travel time. Step 1. Manila to Banaue There are daily bus trips from Manila to Banaue that leave at 10:00 p. m. , with tickets costing a reasonable Php600 per person. The transit companies plying this route are Autobus and Dangwa Tranco, and both have terminals in Sampaloc, Manila. The trip from Manila to Banaue lasts nine (9) hours with regular stops along the way for meals and personal necessities. The schedule is designed so that one sleeps through most of the trip, arriving in Banaue just in time to catch the jeepney to Sagada. The bus makes regular stops every 2 hours for meals, snacks and personal necessities. Since it is a long trip, these would be good occasions to stretch your legs. Since there ‘s nothing much one can see at night, this is a good time to get some rest as the journey from Manila to Sagada is pretty long, if you're not stopping over to stay in Banaue. Make sure to bring a blanket or some light covering that you can fold away, like a shawl to keep you warm and comfy. Arrival in Banaue is at around 7:00 a. m. nd it is suggested that if you are planning to return to Manila through Banaue and not Baguio, purchase a return ticket as soon as you get off at the terminal. Step 2. Banaue to Sagada At the Banaue bus terminal there are jeepneys, and sometimes mini-buses or vans,   waiting to take passengers to Sagada. The jeepney ride costs about Php250 per person, and it takes another 3 to 4 hours to get to Sagada. The jeepneys will only go to Sagada when there are at least four (4) passen gers. Should you be traveling in a small group, you can hire it exclusively, but it will always be nice to share the ride others to save on costs. The jeepney will usually make two stops: at a highway restaurant for meals and a Banaue Rice Terraces view point that you will not want to miss. This will be a wonderful opportunity to have your photo taken with some Ifugao natives in their traditional dress. To do this, one must obtain their   permission first, and please know that it is customary to leave a Php20. 00 tip per person for this purpose. Should you leave Banaue at 8:00 you will get arrive in Sagada at around noontime, which is perfect for a quick lunch before checking in into your hotel. Alternatively, from Banaue, one can ride the lone jeepney that heads for Bontoc, the capital of Mountain Province. These can be found at the public market in Banaue and you can get to the market via tricycle. Make sure to get there before 9:00 a. m, so you don't miss it. And from Bontoc you can take another jeepney to Sagada, which takes about 1. 5 hours. 2. Facilities Native Village Inn is a popular choice amongst travelers in Baguio / Banaue, whether exploring or just passing through. The hotel has everything you need for a comfortable stay. Facilities like coffee shop, restaurant, tours, concierge, pets allowed are readily available for you to enjoy. Non smoking rooms, shared bathroom, balcony/terrace can be found in each guestroom. Recuperate from a full day of sightseeing in the comfort of your room or take advantage of the hotel's recreational facilities, including garden. It classifies itself as a 2 star hotel. The Hotel Facilities are: Car Park, Coffee Shop, Concierge, Restaurant and Garden. The Room Facilities: Balcony/terrace, Non smoking rooms, shared bathrooms. The Uhaj Native Village Inn is perch 1,250 meters above sea level in Uhaj, Banaue Ifugao. Approximately nine (09) kilometers away from Banaue town proper, this facility is an exciting thirty minutes drive away from Poblacion Banaue via the seemingly unending winding roads to Hapao, Ifugao. An ideal base for rice terraces trekkers, the Native Village Inn also offers breathtaking views of the Hapao Rice Terraces. As it beckons you to experience the serenity of staying in an original native Ifugao cottage, the place can also pamper you with great natural mountain sceneries. The facilities and services: the handicrafts and furniture, food and services and the communication facilities. Sanafe Lodge and Restaurant They have best and largest view deck and this is a great place to have a beer, or any other drink. From their verandah restaurant, there is a panoramic view of the local rice terraces dotted with structure ranging from native huts to absurd looking buildings more suited to a Disneyland theme park. Sanafe’s food is disappointing and their service worse. Order drinks in advance before you need them, and eat somewhere else. People’s Lodge and Restaurant Their view deck is a narrow verandah which can seat about 10 people, but it is a squeeze to get in and out. There are many more tables inside. The verandah is certainly a nice place to sit and have a beer or a meal. The view is almost the same as that which you will see from Sanafe. The service is a bit slow but the food is OK – I have eaten here countless times. Uyami’s Green View Lodge Their food is great and so is the service. There is no verandah so the view can only be enjoyed by looking out through the window. Some of the meals I had here in January 2010 were Tinolang Manok with rice (chicken cuts with vegetables in a ginger flavored soup) – P110; curry and rice – P80; sauteed leafy vegetables – P50; all very delicious. Accommodation The peak season is the Christmas/New year period and the Easter week (holy week) and some guest houses may charge more over those two weeks – ask when you book. People’s Lodge and Restaurant It is located right in the heart of town and this is where I normally stay. The last time was in January 2010. Because the rooms are at the back of the building, they are generally quiet, unless you have noisy neighbors. The rooms are typical backpacker type – old, very basic, but clean enough. All except for a few rooms have private bathrooms with hot showers. These showers fluctuate between many temperature ranges during a single wash but that is still much better than a cold shower. Sanafe Lodge and Restaurant Their new rooms are the nicest I have seen in town and the decor reflects good taste in interior design – very unusual to see in this part of the world. Some of the new rooms have nice views over the rice terraces also. I did notice a musty smell in the rooms though and I was told it was because they have been newly painted – it could be why? There are also budget rooms available, which are OK, but I think there is better value in town. Sanafe is right in the center of town. Banaue Hotel This is a large hotel complex with 81 rooms, a 200 seat restaurant and an outside swimming pool. It is the only hotel type accommodation that you are going to find anywhere in the Ifugao province. It is government owned and run and has some of the hallmarks of a hotel run by a bureaucracy short on funds. I assume it is not very profitable. I was told in January 2010, that there was no internet at the hotel because they didn’t have the budget for it yet. That is surprising given it costs P999 a month for a SmartBro Wi-Fi connection and a few thousand pesos for a router. The rooms are quite spacious but definitely not modern. The hotel was built in 1974 with a second wing added some time later. The carpets and soft furnishes show stains and wear but not enough to put you off. The restaurant looks nice and has some good views, but I have not eaten there so I can’t comment on the food – but no one has ever recommended it to me in all the years I have been coming to Banaue. Banaue Youth Hostel This hostel is run by the same government department as the Banaue Hotel and it is on the same grounds. The dormitories are neat and clean, but from what I saw, not popular with the tourists. I hear that they are mostly used by groups of students. If you are traveling alone, it may be a good option because the cost is very low. Uyami’s Green View Lodge Their rooms are nice, simple and clean, but a bit dark because of the dark timber used throughout – definitely worth a look though. The woody feel about the place may be more to your liking than People’s Lodge. I have not stayed here, but I like the food in their restaurant. Uyami’s Green View Lodge is in the center of town and only 50 meters down the road from People’s Lodge. FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS (Accredited) Name of Establishment| Address| Specialty| Hidden Valley Food Haus| Ilogue, Tam-an, Banaue| Filipino Dishes| TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES Company name Destination Departure Travel Time Fare Address/Tel. No. Schedule Reg. Dangwa Tranco Banaue-Baguio 7:00 am 8 hrs. P190. 00 7:00 p. m. 8hrs. P190. 00 Dangwa Tranco Banaue-Manila 7:00 am 9 hrs. P180. 00 Cubao, Quezon City Manila-Banaue 7:30 am 8 hrs. P210. 00 Terraces Transport Kiangan-Baguio 5:00 p. m. 10 hrs. P180. 00   Kiangan, Ifugao Baguio-Kiangan 7:00 p. m. P180. 00 Ohayami Trans Lagawe-Baguio 5:00 p. m. 8 hrs. P180. 00 Jeepneys Solano-Banaue P45. 00 Lagawe-Banaue P20. 00 MISCELLANEOUS SHOPPING CENTER/STORE ADDRESS Banaue Trade Center Lailanie’s Furniture Shop Banaue, Ifugao Sta. Maria Alfonso Lista, Ifugao Binwihan’s Basketry Lo-Hana Handicrafts Trade Center Banaue O-ong, Hingyon, Ifugao BJ Handmade Paper ; Pulp Lourdes Curio Shop Lagawe, Ifugao Cababuyan, Hingyon, Ifugao Brookside Furniture ; Handicrafts Lovinia’s Furniture Shop Maituo Lagawe, Ifugao Sta. Maria, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao Buhle’s Garments Maphod Weaving Hingyon, Ifugao Amganad, Banaue Camp 7 Ever Manual Marby’s Handicrafts Trade Center Banaue, Ifugao Hapao, Hungduan, Ifugao Dumangeng Handicraft ; Furniture Matanglag Bronze Smith Amganad, Banaue, Ifugao Manglag, Banaue, Ifugao Easter’s Handicrafts Pnkihan’s Ethnic craft Banaue, Ifugao Poblacion, Banaue Elnora’s Clothing Center Pinto Furniture Shop Piwong, Hingyon, Ifugao Pinto, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao Elvira Wood Industry Romalyn Woodcarving Kiangan, Ifugao Hingyon, Ifugao Goodwill Handicrafts Wild Wings Jusfa Poblacion West, Lagawe Kinakin, Banaue, Ifugao J ; E Handicrafts Worwor Handicrafts Hapao, Hungduan, Ifugao Banaue, Ifugao Kimmayong Primitive Products ; Handicrafts COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Name of Establishment Address JRS Lagawe, Ifugao POST OFFICE All Municipalities Telecommunications All Municipalities Municipal Telephones All Municipalities except Tinoc and Asipulo Medical Facilities Name of Institution| Address| Ifugao Provincial Hospital| Natuwolan, Lagawe| Mayoyao District Hospital| Mayoyao| Goodnews Clinic| Banaue, Ifugao| Lamut District Hospital| Panopdopan, Lamut| Tinoc District Hospital| Tinoc| EDUCATIONAL CENTER Ifugao Collge of Arts and Trades| Lagawe| Ifugao State College of Agriculture and Forestry| Nayon, Lamut| BANKS Name of Bank| Address| Services Offered| Philippine National Bank| Lagawe, Poblacion|  · Savings/time deposit  · Telegraphic transfers  · Change foreign currency| Land Bank of the Philippines| Lagawe, Ifugao|  · Savings/time deposit  · Telegraphic transfers  · Change foreign currency| Banaue Cooperative Bank| Banaue, Ifugao|  · Savings deposit  · loans| Tourism Oriented Organizations Ifugao Provincial Tourism Council Mrs. Herminigilda Dulinayan Chairperson C/o Provincial Capitol Lagawe, Ifugao Municipality| Name| Address| Alfonso Lista| Glen Prudencio| Municipal Hall, Alfonso Lista| Banaue| Estelita De Leon| Sanafe Lodge, Banaue| Lagawe| Erlinda Habawel| C/o Municipal Hall, Lagawe| Kiangan| Manuel Dulawan| C/o Municipal Hall, Kiangan| Mayoyao| Corazon Montinig| C/o Municipal Hall, Mayoyao| . Infrastructure LAGAWE, Ifugao:  The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)-First District Engineering District is working overtime in the implementation of infrastructure projects amounting to P120,661,000 for Fiscal Year 2012 before rains pour down by next month. District Engineer Alberto Gahid explained that the asphalt overlay along Nueva Vizcaya-Ifugao-Mt. Province boundary road is allocated P1,866,000; allocation for the rehabilitation/reconstruction/upgrading of damaged paved national roads is at P54,163,000 and the road upgrading along Banaue-Hungduan-Benguet Boundary Road gets P64,632,000. The First Engineering District covers the national road from Lamut to Banaue and Hungduan. The second district covers Banaue to Alfonso Lista national road. Gahid believes that the said infrastructure projects will help boost the economic situation of the people. Most common problems encountered were: slippery and dangerous mountain trails, lack of security, no first aid assistance, dirty drainage canals and lack of printed materials about Banaue. Wednesday, May 9, 2012 KIANGAN, Ifugao — The World Heritage Committee (WHC) recently released the infrastructure guidelines for the Ifugao Rice Terraces to address issues covering its structure, houses, roads, dams, bridges and adjunct structures. Copies of the guidelines were distributed to the six affected barangays and stakeholders involved in the preservation, protection and maintenance of the terraces, which is enshrined in the World Heritage List by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco). The Kiangan Municipal Tourism Council was also given a copy to spearhead the dissemination of the guidelines. Municipal Tourism Officer Eulalie Dulnuan said since this is a cultural landscape, the realms of anthropology, architecture, engineering and environmental ethics were assessed and incorporated and the resulting infrastructure guidelines specified in the publication considered the changing needs of the communities and attempted to find sustainable solutions to contemporary problems. The infrastructure guidelines for the rice terraces was the result of the collaborative project between the University of Santo Thomas Center for the Conservation of Cultural Property in the Tropics, the National Commission for Culture and Arts, Ifugao Provincial Government and the Unesco. Unesco noted for years now, the Ifugao Rice Terraces has been hailed for its beauty and grandeur and as a national treasure considered the 8th Wonder of the World even prior to its inclusion among the World Heritage Sites in 1995. But beyond its grand design and beauty, studies have uncovered the terraces is a complex system going beyond structure and aesthetics and to understand the treasure that is the rice terraces is to understand a people’s mindset, culture and traditions linked to the logic of the terraces’ architecture and engineering. This interdependence between culture and design, life ways and structure, functions and form has led to its classification as a â€Å"cultural landscape, which are sites that are combined works of nature and man and illustrative of the evolution of human society and settlements over time under the influence of physical constraints and or opportunities presented by their natural environment and of successive social, economic and cultural forces both external and internal. This complex system and way of life that sustained the existence of the terraces for two millennia were important considerations in addressing the terraces’ present state of degradation and the UNESCO cited the terraces are in extreme danger because all the intertwined factors conserving the delicate balance of culture and nature expressed in this powerful landscape are extremely stressed by 20th century demands on tribal life. Thus the issue for terraces is mainly a question not only of preservation but of sustainability with the onslaught of change and contemporary realities which threaten the delicate balance of the terraces system leading to grave damages and in which the infrastructure guidelines seek to address. The project to come up with the infrastructure guidelines began with a monthly lecture-workshop series in 2009 which provided a forum for dialogue among the stakeholders which tackled the four major areas directly affecting the infrastructure of the terraces namely: anthropology, engineering, architecture and end environmental ethics. It is one of the requirements to facilitate the reclassification of the rice terraces from the World Heritage in Danger List to the standard World Heritage List and also serve to supplement the Conservation and Management Plan submitted to the UNESCO which addresses the components of bio-physical, socio-cultural and support systems. The lecture-workshop also documented the indigenous knowledge shared by the Ifugao experts and participants to enable a clear and accurate translation of the working paradigms practiced in the four terraces clusters in Ifugao located in the municipalities of Kiangan, Banaue, Hungduan and Mayoyao because they share similar issues to be addressed. (Dan B. Codamon) 4. Attractions Banaue is the gateway to the UNESCO World Heritage listed Ifugao rice terraces of Northern Luzon. The Banaue environs are visually beautiful, high in the mountains, sometimes shrouded in mist and cool rain. The rice terraces are a fabulous testament to the inspired agricultural engineering of the Ifugao people. Some of these terraces were constructed 2000 plus years ago, and all are still in use today. The best time to go is between February and May end, when it is least likely that the views will be obscured by low level clouds. Tourists come here to enjoy the scenery, to gaze at it from one of the many view points, to trek through it, or to wake up in it. I remember how awed I was by the scale of these rice terraces on my first visit some 10 years ago. I have been to or through Banaue more than 50 times since and often take the scenery for granted now. For me, the pleasure of visiting Banaue is staying in Batad or Bangaan, and waking up in the morning with the view of the terraces through my window – this I can’t tire of. My last visit to Banaue and Batad was in January 2010. For more information about Batad, see my  Batad Travel and Accommodation Guide I don’t particularly like the town of Banaue, and only stay there for an occasional overnight. The town center is ramshackle and ugly, like most towns in the Philippines, but fortunately it is only a tiny blot on this vast landscape. If your time is limited, as is often the case with Filipino tourists or Manila based expats, then the centrality of Banaue makes it a good base while taking in as many sights as possible, especially if you don’t have your own transport. A walk down the road along the valley is a nice thing to do, just for the fresh air and great views of the tangle of   buildings along the main road. On the way back to town, brave the swing bridge. UNESCO describes the Banaue Rice Terraces thus â€Å"The Ifugao Rice Terraces epitomize the absolute blending of the physical, socio-cultural, economic, religious, and political environment. Indeed, it is a living cultural landscape of unparalleled beauty. † This culture that built and maintained the terraces is rapidly disintegrating though, and in 2001, the Ifugao rice terraces were put on the â€Å"List of World Heritage in Danger†. As can be expected, the newer generations of Ifugao’s do not aspire to the toil and hard labor of their ancestors. As a consequence, many of the narrower and low-productive terraces are falling into disrepair. In the future, more and more of the upkeep will be carried out by contract laborers, probably from tourism funding, or the terraces may collapse like a house of cards. Have a look at how narrow some of the terraces are and then imagine how little produce could come from such a tiny strip of land; weigh that up against the amount of backbreaking work required for such a miniscule return. For now the terraces are still in pretty good shape, and you won’t be disappointed with what you see. The Ifugao people were a fierce race. Tribal wars were common and headhunting expeditions between warring tribes were commonplace in years past. Their history has produced a super strong, proud people, quite different in appearance to other provincial peoples – shorter, muscular from a very young age, darker skin tone and broader features. Occasionally one may see an old man or woman in traditional loincloth or tapis shopping at the local market, but for younger people this clothing is reserved for traditional celebrations. Some elders wear the tapis, etc. for photo opportunities with tourists, and for which it is a courtesy to pay – maybe P20 pesos each to the people in this photograph. There is no land ownership around the terraces as such, but only the right to till, plant, harvest and maintain their family plots. Once the family ceases to do this, ‘ownership’ of the land passes to another, be it a neighboring farmer or relative of the original ‘owners’. Souvenir Hunting in Banaue Banaue has always been known for its wood carving and basketry. Over the many years of tourism and collecting, the genuine antiques have disappeared, to be replaced by awful mass-produced tourist items ranging from dried frog key rings to horrible wooden ashtrays. Weaving has become another tourist item suffering from mass production. However, for the adventurous seeker willing to poke around in dark shops and dusty corners, there are still treasures to be found. The Bulol, or rice guard, is found everywhere. Quite recently carved and carefully ‘aged’, some of these pieces would stand up well in a collection of primitive art. Traditional utilitarian items like carved wooden chests, chairs and wooden bowls, fantastically carved doors and panels, are all still available for those who look carefully. Many designs are contemporary, but based on traditional ideas. In one shop I found a 1. 5 meter Dragon Bike – all carved from wood, even the wheels. The craftsmanship was superb and it was designed to be dismantled for transport. It was a functioning bike, relying purely on gravity to move about – otherwise, man power to push. Recently woven basketry is not very good these days, being produced in mass. It is possible to find treasures, as I did, but anything worth buying will come in from outlying villages where the crafts are still practiced traditionally. Knowing what to look for certainly helps. The Family Gift Shop, on the dead end road heading to the Municipal Hall, is big and has a good collection of panels and carved wooden items at the back. Mary Ann C. Tacio Souvenir, on the way up the hill heading out of the very Center of town, had the fabulous bike amongst other interesting things. Ifugao is endowed with historical, cultural, natural and man-made tourist spots and attractions, which can lure any nature-loving tourist. The range of attraction offered in Ifugao is clustered according to municipalities HISTORICAL Philippine War Memorial Shrine (Kiangan) Gigantic memorial shrine to commemorate the end of World War II. It is a concrete pyramid type structure, which resembles an oversized Ifugao native house located at Linda, Kiangan. It depicts historical events from Filipino opposition, to the Death March and the role of the Ifugao and American troops in the defeat of General Yamashita. It could be used as a viewpoint of the Poblacion, other neighboring barangays and the capital town of Lagawe. The shrine is ten (10) kilometers away or 15 minutes drive from the capital town. Million Dollar Hill The hill overlooking the Poblacion of Kiangan. It got its name from the last war when the allied armies spent millions of dollars worth of bombs and ammunitions to annihilate the enemies in the area. General Yamashita's Surrender Site House relics memorializing the end of W. W. II in the Philippines. Details of the surrender and signing are available. From here, General Yamashita was brought to Baguio for his formal surrender to the victorious Allies. Mt. Nagchayan The site where Japanese troops fought fierce battles during W. W. II. The mountain has several grottos stone walled trenches and foxholes. One can also find rusty shells on this old battleground. CULTURAL Ifugao Museum (Kiangan) This museum displays Ifugao artifacts and is under the supervision of the National Museum of the Philippines. It is 32 meters away facing the shrine and 300 meters away from the Municipal Hall. Tam-an Village A typical village situated 240 steps down from the Banaue Hotel's swimming pool. Woodcarving and hand woven products are produced and sold to travelers. Bokiawan Village Twelve (12) kilometers from Banaue located in the center of the Bokiawan rice terraces where traditional Ifugao practices of land use and livelihood still exist. Pula and Cambulo Native Village Is a rustic village in the first leg of the trekking route from Banaue viewpoint to Banga-an. This cobbled stone village offers a native house stay. The ancient craft of bark cloth weaving thrives here. Apfo or Burial Tombs These are large stone mausoleums containing the bones of the town's ancient warriors and elite. The construction of these Igloos represents the resourceful use of Ifugao stoning technique. Makaliwagha & Lebhong Burial Caves Are filled with wood coffins and the remains of the first people of Mayoyao. A legend tells of an attentive lizard leading people to these three chambers designating each one for men, women and children. Lumauig Stone Is a huge enchanted black rock held by only three smaller stones in the middle of the Balangbang river. It is believed to mean that Mayoyao people will stay strong and happy as long as the stone stands. OTHER SCENIC SITES: Bocos Village Poitan Village Batad Village Hapao Village Bangaan Village Ducligan Village These villages are characterized by the presence of a wholesome community where the livelihood activities are within the surroundings, and the houses are clustered in a designated area. They showcase the typical Ifugao community. NATURAL Bintakan Cave (Lagawe) It is located at the rocky slope of Ibulao, which is about 2 kilometers from the provincial capitol. The mouth of the cave is overlooking the Ibulao River. It is a three-room cave with dripping water that forms stalactites and stalagmites of different beautiful shapes. It can be reached by tricycle ride and 20-minute ascent to the mouth of the cave. Nah-toban Cave (Lagawe) The cave is much larger than Bintakan Cave and has a descending entrance with four rooms but there are still other rooms unexplored. It is located at Boliwong, Lagawe, about 4 kilometers hike from the Poblacion passing through trails. Huge quantities of guano are found in the cave. Tocucan Sulfur Hot Spring (Tinoc) A sulfuric hot spring at Barangay Tukukan in the Municipality of Tinoc. This can be reached by a two-hour hike from Monsoyosoy, Buguias, and Benguet. Guihob Natural Swimming Pool (Banaue) A four kilometer drive from Banaue, Poblacion. One has to hop and jump over huge boulders to reach the crystal clear waters of Guihob. It is a perfect place for those who prefer a cool and refreshing swim. Tappiya Waterfalls (Banaue) About 30 minutes from Batad Village is a cascading waterfall with its enormous natural pool for swimming. A visit to Batad would be incomplete without seeing this beautiful waterfall. Buyukan Waterfalls (Hungduan) This can only be reached by a three-hour hike from Poblacion, Hungduan. This is located in Barangay Abatan and is near the border of Hungduan and Tinoc municipalities. Ambuwaya Lake (Kiangan) Legend says that the area was once a large sitio that became a lake because some children killed and made fun of the leeches in the spring. The lake is deep and good for swimming and boating. The shaded surroundings is an ideal place for picnics. It is now the site of a research on fishing culture. The lake is four (4) kilometers from the town center of Kiangan and can be reached by four-wheel drive vehicles. Ducligan Hot Springs (Banaue) These hot springs are found at the bank of Ducligan River and adjacent to a deep pool. Ducligan is 21 kilometers away from the Poblacion. O' phaw Mahencha Falls (Leap of Mahencha) Located about six kilometers from the town proper is a series of high cascading falls. Local folklore says that a beautiful Mahencha had to jump 13 to 5 meters into the water to retrieve her native amber necklace which fell while she was taking a bath. Tenogtog Water Falls Located five kilometers from town, it has three natural pools rising about 12 meters from each other. The water falls from the pool cascades to the next in beautiful succession. Untouched by human hands, these natural pools provide clear cool mountain spring water. Bagnit Waterfalls and Numbungug Waterfalls Are located in Julongan barangay. Bagnit is a stunning series of cascading falls running over 250 feet, while Numbungug Waterfall is a single majestic fall of over 80 feet into height falling to the Ibulao river tributaries. Chuyong Viewpoint Is located near the town proper which affords a panoramic vista of the Mayoyao World Heritage site cluster. The glory of the site is unrivaled. Kibayuyong Stone This is a legendary stone which lies next to the Hapao river. The site offers an adventurous spot for river swimming and diving. Bogya Hot Springs Is located in Ba-ang that lie in the Hapao river which serves as delightful respite after trekking. MAN – MADE Banaue Rice Terraces (Banaue) Dubbed as the Eight Wonder of the World. The rice terraces start from the base of the mountain range and reach up to several thousands feet high. It is said that its length, if put end to end would encircle half of the globe. Made 2,000 years ago, these rice terraces manifest the engineering skill and ingenuity of the sturdy Ifugaos. In 1995, it was inscribed in the UNESCO Heritage List as a Continuing Cultural Landscape. Batad Rice Terraces (Banaue) These rice terraces are shaped like of an amphitheater and is located in barangay Batad. It can be reached by a twelve-kilometer ride from Banaue Hotel and a 2-hour hike uphill through mountain trails. Mayoyao Rice Terraces (Mayoyao) This spot is 44 kilometers away from Poblacion, Banaue. The Poblacion of Mayoyao lies in the midst of these rice terraces thus upon arrival in the town, one is awed with a breathtaking view of the rice terraces where all the dikes are tiered with flat stones. Hapao Rice Terraces (Hungduan) This is another stonewalled rice terraces located in the municipality of Hungduan and is 55 kilometers from the capital town of Lagawe. Magat Dam (Alfonso Lista) It is reputedly the biggest dam in Asia. This is located near the municipality of Alfonso Lista and about 25 kilometers from the town center of Santa Maria. Nagacadan Rice Terraces Are found in Kiangan and these show how forest management and rice terracing are complementary. SPECIAL INTEREST Mt. Amuyao This 8th highest peak in the Philippines with an elevation of 2,702 meters (8,865) above sea level is located between the boundary line of Banaue and Mayoyao and between Ifugao and Mountain Province. Its summit provides the climber with a breath-taking panorama of Mountain Province, Isabela, Nueva Viscaya and Ifugao. Mayoyao legend says that the first Ifugao couple, Bugan and Wigan took refuge in this mountain during the 40-day deluge that inundated the province. Being the only survivors, they became the first ancestors of the Ifugaos. Mount Napulawan Located in the municipality of Hungduan, this mountain is very accessible to mountain trekkers. The thick tropical rain forest and its rare flora fascinate conquerors of this peak. Trees near the peak are unusually short. Mount Anapawon Centrally located in Ifugao, this mountain peak is considered a potential camping site to be developed in the province. It provides a breathtaking view of Hungduan municipality, and the low-lying municipalities of Lagawe and Kiangan and the rice terraces of Hingyon. 5. Hospitality Services The people in Banaue are said to be very accommodating. Great service is their specialty. The service, care and hospitality were the best on their menu card. The tourist said that they were comfortable around the tour guides and they were fun to be with. The Staff in Native Inn Village can communicate properly with their guest and they were very generous. They offer service with warm smile and a hospitable atmosphere. The restaurant offers Western and Philippine dishes and has an open-pit fireplace. II. Tour Packages A. Letter of Proposal 18, March, 2013 Miss Tantuco Eagle Travel Agency Makati City Re: 3D/2N Manila-Banaue, Ifugao tour Dear Miss Tantuco, We are pleased to present to you our package proposal for your Manila to Banaue, Ifugao 3D/2N dated Oct. 11-13, 2013. Following another package cost on a per person basis. Base on a half twin sharing. Total package cost | 2-4| 5-10| 11-15| Half Twin Sharing| 950| 950| 950| Inclusions: * 3D/2N accommodation based on twin sharing * Transportation from Manila to Banaue; Banaue to Manila * Visits on Tam-an Village, Banaue Museum, Banaue Rice Terraces, Banaue Viewpoint Hapao Rice Terraces, Hugduan Rice Terraces, Batad Rice Terraces, Tappiyah Waterfalls, Banga-an Village, Mayoyao Village, Mount Amuyao, Duclingan Hot Spring * Entrance fees Service and Tour Guide/Coordinator * Food and Beverages Should you find the above quotation favorable, we request a full payment upon reservation/ confirmation of your bookings. If you have any question/clarifications don’t hesitate to call us at the following numbers; Landline: Phone: and look for for more information. Looking forward to your favo rable response regarding this matter Respectfully yours, B. Skeletal Itinerary Banaue, Ifugao Day 1: Tam-an Village Banaue Museum Banaue Rice Terraces Banaue Viewpoint Day 2: Hapao Rice Terraces Hugduan Rice Terraces Batad Rice Terraces Tappiyah Waterfalls Day3: Banga-an Village Mount Amuyao Duclingan Hot Spring C. Technical Itinerary Manila to Banaue, Ifugao 3D/2N DATE| TIME| ACTIVITIES| HOTEL| Day 1: 11, Oct 2013| 2200H| ETD Esteban Street, Makati City via Van| | | 0600H| ETA at Hotel| Native Village Inn| | 0600H-0700H| Check in| Native Village Inn| | 0700H-0800H| Breakfast at Hotel| Native Village Inn| | 0800H-1100H| Free Time| | | 1100H-1200H| Lunch at Hotel| Native Village Inn| | 1250H-1340H| ETA in Tam-an Village| | | 1350H-1430H| Banaue Museum| | | 1450H-1550H| Banaue Rice Terraces| | | 1600H-1710H| Banaue View Point| | | 1800H| ETA at Hotel, Dinner | Native Village Inn| Day 2: 12, Oct 2013| 0700H-0800H| Breakfast at Hotel| Native Village Inn| | 0850H-0940H| ETA Hapao Rice Terraces| | | 0950H-1020H| Hugduan Rice Terraces| | | 1050H1200H| Batad Rice Terraces| | | 1230H-1330H| Packed Lunch at Tappiyah Waterfalls| | | 1330H-1600H| Tappiyah Waterfalls| | | 1700H| ETA Hotel| Native Village Inn| | 1800H| Dinner at Hotel| Native Village Inn| Day 3: 13, Oct 2013| 0700H-0800H| Breakfast at Hotel| Native Village Inn| | 0830H-0930H| Banga-an Village| | | 0950H-1030H| Mount Amuyao| | | 1100H-1200H| Lunch at Hotel| Native Village Inn| | 1200H-1300H| Check out| | 1340H-1700H| Duclingan Hot Spring Dinner at Duclingan Hot Spring (pax account)| | | 1700H| ETD at Duclingan via Van| | | 1700H-0100H| ETA in Makati City| | D. Descriptive Itinerary Day 1: All passengers must arrive at the said time of departure at Esteban Street, Makati City via Van; the journey is an 8hour trip Manila to Banaue. The estimated time of arrival is at 6 o’clock in the morning. Our che ck in time is 6 o’clock in the morning in Native Village Inn and the breakfast will serve at 7 o’clock (English Breakfast; 2 fried eggs, bacon, beans, 2 slices of toasted bread butter marmalade, coffee or tea. and you are given a 3hour free time to roam around, relax and sightseeing. Lunch at the hotel. (Marinated chicken with fresh vegetables and rice, fresh fruit shake made from fresh fruits with milk. ) After lunch we will now go to Tam-an Village for sightseeing, take some picture and after tam-an village, we will go to Banaue museum and explore the museum and after the museum we will go to Banaue rice terraces and Banaue viewpoint after a long trip, dinner at the hotel (Pork or Chicken adobo with potatoes or rice. ) Day 2: Call time 6:45 in the morning, breakfast (Filipino Breakfast; garlic fried rice with 2 eggs, corned beef, coffee or tea. Fresh fruit platter; mango, banana, papaya, watermelon, melon, orange (choice of four) is serve at 7:00 in the morning. Estimated time of arrival at Hapao rice terraces is 8:50 in the morning. After Hapao rice terraces we will go now to Hugduan terraces and after that we will go now to Batad terraces and packed Lunch (Pork tenderloin stew with hash brown potatoes and fresh vegetables. (Fresh fruit platter; watermelon, papaya, banana, melon) at Tappiyah waterfalls. Estimated time of arrival at the hotel is at 5:00 in the afternoon. Dinner at the Hotel; (Pork or chicken chopsuey with rice) Day 3: Breakfast at Hotel (Continental breakfast; 2 slices of toast bread, butter, 3slices of imported cheese and marmalade, coffee or tea) after breakfast go to Banga-an Village, Mount Amuyao , Lunch at the hotel at 11:00-12:00 noon. Check out time is at 12:00-1:00 in the afternoon. After check out go directly to Duclingan Hot Spring. Dinner is a pax account basis estimated time of departure in Duclingan hot spring is at 5:00 in the afternoon. Estimated time of arrival in Makati City is at 1:00 in the morning. III. Costing SERVICES| 2-4| 5-10| 11-15| GUIDE| SWB/S| T/RED| Transportation(Manila to Banaue, Banaue to Manila) for 3days| 1’085| 434| 200| | | | Hotel Breakfast| 250| 250| 250| | | | Entrance fee| 20| 20| 20| 20| | | Whole day tour| 300| 300| 300| | | | Hotel Lunch| 410| 410| 410| 410| | | Hotel Dinner| 320| 320| 320| | | | Overnight| 950| 950| 950| | 475| 250| | | | | | | | Hotel Breakfast| 400| 400| 400| | | | Whole day tour| 300| 300| 300| | | | Packed Lunch| 520| 520| 520| 520| | | Hotel dinner| 250| 250| 250| | | | Overnight| 950| 950| 950| | 475| 250| | | | | | | | Hotel Breakfast| 250| 250| 250| | | | Whole day tour| 250| 250| 250| | | | Entrance fee| 100| 100| 100| 100| | | Hotel Lunch| 510| 510| 510| | | | Dinner| (pax acc)| (pax acc)| (pax acc)| | | | Guide Fee| 2’500| 1’000| 455| | | | | | | | | | | Subtotal| 9’365| 6’780| 6’235| 1’050| 950| 500| Prorate Guide| 525| 210| 95| | | | Total| 9’890| 6’990| 6’330| | 950| 500| Mark-up (25%)| 2’473| 1’748| 1’583| | 238| 125| Net to Operator| 12’363| 8’738| 7’913| | | | Round off – 12’370 -8’740 -7’920